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Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2024 - Jun 30, 2025

Success StoryBreckinridge County 4-H Leaders at the 2020 Kentucky Volunteer Forum

Breckinridge County 4-H Leaders at the 2020 Kentucky Volunteer Forum

Author: Alexandria Bryant

Planning Unit: Breckinridge County CES

Major Program: 4-H Volunteer Programming

Plan of Work: Strengthening leaders to expand community leadership and economic development

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

The Cooperative Extension Service relies on volunteers to extend the reach of extension programs.  A well maintained 4-H program should include volunteer training, recognition and motivation. For the past decade, a team of agents, volunteers and specialists have created a premier conference titled “Kentucky Volunteer Forum” or KVF to address basic needs and beyond of volunteer development. This conference is held every two years with the last held in February of 2020.  The intent of the conference is to provide workshops to increase skills and competency, recognize volunteers for program accomplishments, and provide networking opportunities. 

A total of 183 workshops were offered in 18 different project areas as well as 10 service projects, 19 commercial exhibits, 18 educational exhibits, and 6 4-H entrepreneur exhibits.  The conference included recognition events which recognized a total of 65 adult and teen volunteers and 106 teens who completed ten years of 4-H membership. A total of 1138 volunteers, agents, specialists and others from 112 counties and 11 states attended the Kentucky Volunteer Forum in 2020.  

This reporting agent and a Breckinridge County volunteer were on the 2020 KVF planning committee which included 36 agents, volunteers and specialists.  Planning began 15 months prior to the event and included 16 sub-committees which planned, coordinated, conducted, and evaluated the conference.  An online evaluation was sent to conference delegates in 2020 to determine if volunteers utilized their new skills to impact their county program and/or beyond.  Survey results included: 86% plan to continue volunteering, 84% plan to develop or offer a new program, project, or activity, 79% plan to increase their level of involvement in the county Extension program, 89% feel more energized and motivated as a volunteer, 96% increased their level of knowledge, and 84% developed a new skill!

The Breckinridge County 4-H program had a strong attendance of volunteers and teens. Of the 15 adult and teen volunteers who attended, 10 adults presented workshops, 5 completed volunteer accreditation, and 3 were recognized for program achievements, including a Livestock Certified Leader Award, a Volunteer Leadership Award, and an Innovative Creative and Enthusiasm Award for creative, impactful programming. Three (3) volunteers provided a commercial exhibit. After attending the conference, three adult volunteers were motivated to incorporate forestry and water quality lessons learned at KVF into the Breckinridge Co. 4-H Outdoor Explorers Club. Other volunteers continue to improve their clubs at the county level and were able to get re-certification hours above and beyond the state requirements. The 10 adult volunteers that led workshops at the conference have used the skills gained to prepare 4-H club and summer program lessons. The 3 volunteers receiving awards expressed gratitude for recognition received at the conference, relaying that they felt special and honored for being recognized for their hard work, leadership, and creative programming and want other volunteers to be recognized as well in the future.

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