Success StoryVolunteer Opportunity
Volunteer Opportunity
Author: Raven Ford
Planning Unit: Bath County CES
Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming
Plan of Work: Youth & Adult Leadership Development
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Volunteers play integral roles in 4-H programs, performing a variety of duties, functions, and tasks and possessing varied and rich knowledge, skills, and backgrounds (Radhakrishna & Ewing, 2011). 4-H youth development programs within Extension depend heavily on adult volunteers and provide extensive education to volunteer leaders. 4-H traditionally focuses on positive youth development, but adult volunteers are the mainstay of the programs.
The purpose of the Kentucky Volunteer Forum is to increase the capacity of volunteer and salaried staff to contribute to the achievement of the mission of 4-H Youth Development Education and the Cooperative Extension System as a whole as well as to provide the educational and technical resources that volunteers need in order to deliver the 4-H Youth Development program as well as to meet 4-H members' needs (Culp, 2000).
The Kentucky Volunteer Forum (KVF) celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2020. Rowan County was one of the 38 counties that broke or tied their 20 year historic attendance record of 12 participants. Seventy individuals completed requirements for Volunteer Accreditation or Master Volunteer Accreditation. From those 70 individuals, Rowan County had one individual to receive Master Volunteer Accreditation.
After attending the Kentucky Volunteer Forum, the participant is interested in attending other 4-H trainings, 100% more likely to continue volunteering and more likely to increase her level of involvement in the local 4-H program. The forum also enabled the participant to increase her knowledge about Kentucky 4-H.
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