Success StoryExtending 4-H Programming to Underserved Areas
Extending 4-H Programming to Underserved Areas
Author: Terence Clemons
Planning Unit: Bath County CES
Major Program: Family and Consumer Science
Plan of Work: Develop Life Skills & Promote Family Cohesion
Outcome: Initial Outcome
-The problem
This county's estimated population (as of July 1, 2021) is 12,778 with 4,885 households, which average 2.53 people. The population makeup is White Only (96.3%), Black (1.4%), and Hispanic Origin (1.7%) . Females make up 50.6% of the population. One hundred percent of the population is rural. Median Household Income is $44,893 with 22.5% of the population below poverty level. 79.3% of the the county population are high school or equivalent graduates, with 15.5 % Bachelor's Degree Graduates. 51.6% of the county population is part of the civilian workforce.
-The educational program response
Bath County 4-H Agent, Sharpsburg Studio Design Director, and Bath County Memorial Library (Sharpsburg Branch) Director identified how barriers like transportation, lack of planned community events/educational opportunities, families still feeling the affects of COVID, and more are felt by the residents in the Sharpsburg/Bethel Area. These three programs along with Sharpsburg City Council developed a summer full of programming with the goals of family friendly, skill development, create sense of community pride, and low cost. For Memorial Day Weekend, a Family Movie Night was held showing Summer themed movie, cookout food and snacks, presentation of upcoming events, etc. On June 8-9, Sharpsburg Sports Day Camp was held with teen volunteers, high school coaches, skill development stations, etc. On June 15, Sharpsburg Cooking Day Camp was conducted to teach skills in cooking safety, recipe reading, My Plate, and more. On July 6, a second Family Movie Night was held with a Christmas in Summer Theme that had a movie, cookout food/drinks, clothing donations, programs presentations, etc.
-The participants/target audience
Family units from Sharpsburg/Bethel area of Bath County. All events and camps were promoted county wide, also.
-Other partners (if applicable)
Sharpsburg Design Studio (CEDIK Community Project), Bath County Memorial Library (Sharpsburg Branch), Sharpsburg City Council
-Program impact or participant response.
The Memorial Day Movie Night had an estimated 80 individuals (Half Female, 8 Blacks, 3 Hispanic, avg. age of 30). The Sharpsburg 2 Day Sports Camp had 16 youth, 5 Adult Volunteers, 3 Teen Volunteers, 2 Hispanic participate. Each day averaged 9 youth. Sharpsburg Cooking Day Camp had 7 Youth (5 Female, 2 Hispanic), 1 Adult Volunteer participate. July Movie Night had an estimate 60 individuals (half Females, 4 Blacks, 7 Hispanic, avg. age of 30).
Evaluation Included the following: continued planning for fall and winter programming, 4-H Community Club, 3 Youth that attended Sports Day Camp received Scholarships to 4-H Summer Camp. Verbal Reports given: "Our family don't attend many events, but we saw the Movie NIght Flyer and thought that will be fun for the family", "Its so good to see things happening in Sharpsburg", "I love the Day Camps because I got to play different sports", "I love cooking so the Day Camp was so fun", "Can I take these recipes home to cook for my family".
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Extending 4-H Programming to Underserved Areas
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