Success StoryRobot Talk
Robot Talk
Author: Renata Farmer
Planning Unit: Knox County CES
Major Program: Science, Engineering and Technology 4-H Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Engaging Engaging in discovery, exploration , and understanding in science, engineering and t
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Technology is a growing field in the job market and it touches most every part of our daily lives. Statistics show that there is a shortage of people to fill this field. With the 4-H Science, Engineering & Technology program, Knox County 4-H has helped to develop the skills needed to advance in an increasing demand for knowledge in technology. In 2010, Knox County 4-H was awarded $10,000 in grant funding to establish a Robotics Club. In 2018,Kentucky Wildbots 4-H Robotics Club completed its ninth year with a trip to the World Championships. Students used skills in technology, math, computer programming and science to complete their initiative - to build and program a robot to perform specific tasks in a given 6 week period. Volunteers and students put hundreds of hours into programming, building and promoting their charge.
Since it's beginning, the 4-H robotics programs has continued to grow and expand and has had approximately 45 members. The Wildbots 4-H Club has continued to mentor other teams and seek sponsorship by doing demos in surrounding areas, as it is $5000 to compete each year. Thus far, the club has raised more than $20,000 since its beginning. In 2017, the club received it's second NASA grant for their program recognizing its leadership potential. The Club has organized and implemented, the Battle for the Bluegrass, the only FRC event in the state. This event brings in near 20 teams from surrouding areas and states including Louisana, Tennessee and Ohio. In addition, 2 members are now attending the University of Kentucky and majoring in Engineering while another is attending the University of Louisville. Another member has made plans to also attend the University of Louisville and major in Engineering.
Student, teachers & parents expressed gratitude that the program was offered here in the county stating that it was “once in a lifetime experience”. Students say "it's given them a place to belong". 100% of students reported they gained knowledge in areas of robotics, computer programming, technology and also leadership.
Stories by Renata Farmer
Robot Talk
Technology is a growing field in the job market and it touches most every part of our daily lives. S... Read More
4-H Camp leads to new skills
According to the American Camping Association, camp provides the opportunity for children to discove... Read More
Stories by Knox County CES
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Robot Talk
Technology is a growing field in the job market and it touches most every part of our daily lives. S... Read More
Stories by Science, Engineering and Technology 4-H Core Curriculum

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