Success Story4-H Government Project
4-H Government Project
Author: Michael Rose
Planning Unit: Adair County CES
Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming
Plan of Work: Youth and Volunteer Leadership Development
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Where do I go to check on my property value? Who helps to run the court system in our county? How many adults and youth can answer these questions? Adair County Cooperative Extension Service is focusing on “Our Government” in the 5th Grade 4-H Club meetings. Monthly lessons on “Our Government are being conducted. To kick off the project, the 5th grader participated in the local 4-H Government Tour.
Due to teachers stating that this was a problem for the youth in our county and the fact that they are tested on government at end of the school year, the Cooperative Extension Service is collaborating with the Adair County School System, local, state, and national government offices to conduct a 4H Government Project and Tour. 189 fifth graders and 30 volunteer leaders participated in the project and tour. The youth toured City Hall, County Court Clerk, County Judge Executive, Sheriff’s Office, Circuit Court Clerk, PVA, Adair County Library and the Adair County Regional Jail. Youth learned about who works in the office and what services are offered to the community.
Both youth and volunteers were surveyed following the completion of the project. The survey revealed that82% did not know where two or more of the offices were located before the project. It also showed that 95% felt they now knew more about the local, state, and national government offices than their parents did.
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