Success StorySET discovers new path for Teen Girl
SET discovers new path for Teen Girl
Author: John (Connor) Cooper
Planning Unit: Hopkins County CES
Major Program: 4-H Science, Engineering, and Technology Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Expanding Opportunities for Technology, Sustainability, and Environmental Stewardship
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Over fall break Hopkins County 4-H held a series of day camps for youth who were not going anywhere for the week. The day camps that were planned were done in a manner that was not only fun for participants, but also engaged them in learning. One of the camps that we had was a SET camp where youth would be given hands on learning while preforming tasks that the enjoyed. We felt the best way to make the camp successful was to utilize the help of Torey Earle, Extension Specialist for 4-H Youth Development Science, Engineering and Technology.
Torey had an impact with many youth that day but one young lady in particular had a break through. While working on a specific coding project we thought of asking each youth what their future plans held. We got a lot of “I’m not sure” and “I guess college” or “I just want to make money” response. When we came to the next young lady she stated that she wanted to study aerospace engineering at the University of Kentucky. This sparked interest in all of us in the room.
At the end of the day, Torey, Katie, and I had the chance to speak more to this young high school student about her college and career goals. She noted she has done initial research on the aerospace program at UK and knew and the program at Texas A&M and Purdue University but wanted to be closer to home. The evening ended with a discussion about the youth SET board through 4-H and she was very eager to hear more about.
Through a simple day camp we have sparked interest in joining a state 4-H board. We also know now that SET programs may be something she is willing to help younger 4-Her’s with. If we made no other difference by having a fall break camp, we know we have at least began a conversation with where SET can take at least one student.
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