Success Story4-H Natural Resource Initiative
4-H Natural Resource Initiative
Author: Staci Thrasher
Planning Unit: Fleming County CES
Major Program: 4-H Agriculture Core Curriculum AND Natural Resources
Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Kentucky’s natural resources plan an important role in our state’s social, economic, and environmental well-being. Every single 4th grader in Fleming County took advantage of the opportunity to visit North Central 4-H Camp for a one day Environmental Camp in the fall of 2019. Students attending in the 4-H Environmental Day Camp attended sessions revolving around natural resources and included classes such as bird adaptations, pond study, nature hike, pollinators, cow eyeball dissection and pollution. These classes provided a well-rounded educational experience in a fun outdoor environment. 82% of the youth participating reported that after attending the pond study class, they felt confident in identifying clean water indicators in local water sources. 100% of youth attending stated that can clearly identify bird adaptations such as beaks, feathers, bones and feet. 75% of the youth attended indicated that they are more comfortable identifying the importance of pollinators and 70% of the youth that attended Environmental camp have expressed interest in attending 4-H Summer Camp.
Also in the fall of 2019, 10 youth from Fleming County attended the 4-H Forestry Field Day at Carter Caves State Resort Park. While on site, the 4-H youth learned about tree identification, learned how to use a compass and measure distance by pace, and how to measure board feet in a tree. This is a unique opportunity for youth to learn about their effects on the environment and how to identify their surroundings. From 2018 to 2019 Fleming County had 100% return rate to this event. 80% of members attending stated they improved their ability to identify trees and 75% said they feel more comfortable utilizing a compass.
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