Success StoryReality Builds Preparedness
Reality Builds Preparedness
Author: Lacy May
Planning Unit: Magoffin County CES
Major Program: 4-H Family and Consumer Science Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Developing Life Skills
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The results of the Kentucky Extension Community Assessment survey found that residents of Magoffin County are concerned that the youth of their county lack life skills. In particular many youth lack money management, life decision making skills, and general consumer knowledge. In Magoffin County only 10.1% of the population aged 25 and over have a bachelor’s degree while only 69% have earned a high school diploma. The average salary of a woman in Magoffin County is only $22,216, while a man may earn $32,700 per year. It is important to many community members that the youth in Magoffin County have experiences that prepare them and make them aware of needed life skills.
The Gear-Up Kentucky coordinator at the High School and Middle School, FRYSC representatives, and the Magoffin County 4-H Agent worked together this past September to hold an It’s Your Reality program at Herald Whitaker Middle School in Magoffin County. Prior to the event all 8th and 9th graders discussed career paths and identified which career they wish to pursue. They learned about salaries and how post-secondary education choices impact their salary.
Every 8th and 9th grade student in Magoffin County participated in the It’s Your Reality program for a total of 340 students. Upon completion of the program many students stated that they enjoyed the process of learning about the realistic cost of things and there were many students who didn’t know what paying taxes consisted of before completing the program. Several students said they enjoyed their time at the Reality Store and appreciated being able to learn about realistic scenarios they may experience in the future.
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