Success StoryCooking in the Kitchen with Mom
Cooking in the Kitchen with Mom
Author: Cathy Fellows
Planning Unit: Boone County CES
Major Program: Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Practical living classes are dwindling in our schools today. Some youth, are unaware of how to cook a
simple healthy meal for themselves. They often make microwavable prepackaged quick fix meals.
Most prepackaged meals are filled with high sodium, fats and many calories, which can be unhealthy.
The Boone County Snap-Ed Nutrition Education Program Assistant collaborated with the Brighton
Centers Youth Leadership Group at RA Jones Middle School to present the Teen Cuisine nutrition series.
Fifteen Middle School youth learned knife skills, food safety, how to follow a recipe, prepare and
cook simple healthy meals using the MyPlate method.
According to a summary of exit questionnaires, 83% of students in the program improved their abilities to
choose healthier foods in accordance to Federal Dietary recommendations.
The youth were amazed at how easy and fun it was to create a meal. One participant said "I cant wait to
show my Mom what I learned, One Pot Spaghetti is awesome, I can make dinner for her now."
That same child, went home and told his mom about what he learned in the class. The following month
his mother attended the Adult version of the Nutrition series at the Cooperative Extension Service
office. She said "since her son started coming to the leadership group class, they have began cooking
meals together at home." What a great way to spend time with our children. Learning life skills that
they can build on years to come.
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