Success StoryEncouraging a Global Mindset for Youth

Encouraging a Global Mindset for Youth

Author: Paul Adkins

Planning Unit: Family and Consumer Sciences

Major Program: 4-H Leadership Core Curriculum

Plan of Work: Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum

Outcome: Initial Outcome

As our society becomes more globalized it is imperative that as non-formal educators we provide opportunities for youth to engage in activities that will expand their worldview and global mindset. In 2019, Kentucky 4-H hosted 38 youth and 3 adult chaperones from the Japanese LABO Program and South Korea 4-H through the States’ 4-H International Program for the summer inbound home-stay. The University of Kentucky Extension district 3 hosted 9 of the delegates and chaperones.

Japanese and South Korean youth are paired with an American youth to spend four-weeks immersed in American culture, attending club meetings, traveling locally, sharing stories, practicing English, spending time cooking for one another, and much more. At the end of the four-week experience, families and youth had the opportunity to make a lasting connection with a child from a different culture, they shared their desires to travel and experience another culture due to their hosting experience. Many families inquired about sending their 4-H’er abroad for the outbound home-stay program!

One family noted that the greatest benefit to hosting was, “gaining a new friend and learning more about Korean language and culture” and another family shared their greatest benefit as, “experiencing the perspectives of someone from a different country”.

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