Success Story4-H Financial Literacy Program

4-H Financial Literacy Program

Author: Kelly Smith

Planning Unit: Jefferson County CES

Major Program: Family and Consumer Sciences 4-H Core Curriculum

Plan of Work: Educating, & empowering individuals & families to make responsible choices & develop lifeskills

Outcome: Initial Outcome

Financial management is a major issue in life that is often poorly identified by today’s youth.  A 2011 Charles Schwab survey revealed that of the 1,132 teens between 16 and 18, were surveyed, 42% stated they wanted their parents to talk more about finances and money. A mere 32% of these teens stated they knew how credit card interest and fees work. For a group of teens and young adults who are nearing the end of their high school career, these kids are in jeopardy of struggling on their own finances when they enter college or the workforce. 

Jefferson County 4-H has helped promote financial literacy by implementing the Consumer Savvy Financial Literacy Program.  With the help of youth service center coordinators, principals, and teachers, the Cooperative Extension Service was able to help 150 elementary youth identify proper money management techniques.

The Consumer in Me Financial Literacy program was a six-week program that focused on making wise decisions when shopping, product comparison, identifying goals and focusing on needs verse wants.  After completion of the 5-week classroom activities, students participated in the 4-H Dollars and Sense program.  

Based on the survey given, 90% felt that managing money was extremely hard.  75% said they will think about the cost of an item before they purchase it.   Many students left comments such as:   “I didn’t know how expensive it is to take care of my dog!”, “I will be wiser with my money.”, and “I should save money for the things I need instead of what I want.”.  

Jefferson County 4-H Plans to continue to educate and incorporate financial literacy in the elementary program.   

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