Success StoryWhere Does Your Food Come From?
Where Does Your Food Come From?
Author: Jeremiah Johnson
Planning Unit: Christian County CES
Major Program: Agriculture 4-H Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Creating awareness of the impact of agriculture on daily life
Outcome: Initial Outcome
In a 2017 Article by the Washington Post, the author argued that fewer and fewer American youth know where their food comes from. In the article, it presented a 2010 study from California that showed on 50% of youth knew where tomatoes came from, for onions, that number was 39%, buns, 28% and pickles, a whopping 22%. Similar studies conducted by agricultural education professionals in more recent years, seem to show about the same percentages.
This fall, the Henderson County Extension Office participated in a local farm day, where the 4-H agent covered grain handling and production, with grades 2-3. By polling the 254 youth in attendance, it was determined a mere 88 youth (35%) could correctly identify where their hamburger/hotdog buns came from, or how they got there. Following a lesson on grain handling and shipping, a total of 219 youth (86%) acknowledged that they could identify where the grain came from to make buns and how it got there.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment