Success Story4-H Horse Camp
4-H Horse Camp
Author: Stacey Potts
Planning Unit: Daviess County CES
Major Program: Agriculture 4-H Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Building Life Skills in Youth
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The Kentucky 4-H Horse Program has multiple objectives including developing leadership, self-reliance, promoting a greater love for animals and humane treatment of them, experiencing the pride of working with a horse, pony, or mule and being responsible for its management and welfare, enhancing horsemanship skills and increasing knowledge of basic safety precautions. District 6 North 4-H Horse Camp is an overnight experience which includes educational workshops, riding time under the supervision of discipline-specific instructors, and fellowship through games, shared meals, and other activities. Attendees are responsible for the care and feeding of their animals during horse camp. Animals are body condition scored upon arrival to make sure they meet the Kentucky 4-H Horse program standard of a 4 out of 9.
The 16th Annual District 6 North 4-H Horse camp was held May 3-5, 2019 with sixteen youth, twelve parents, and twelve volunteers attending. The event provided education in the disciplines of Western, Contest, Gaited and Trail as well as additional instruction for Showmanship, a Bits and Bridles lesson taught by Dr. Bob Coleman, body condition scoring, and safety.
The equestrian experience of the 4-H’ers ranged from beginner to advanced abilities. Of those who filled out evaluations, significant results were as follows: 90% indicated their horsemanship skills had increased quite a bit or a lot, 90% indicated they would continue to wear helmets when riding, and 100% increased their showmanship skills. Sixty percent of those responding were attending 4-H Horse Camp for the first time.
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