Success StoryNew Chances
New Chances
Author: Sherry Becknell
Planning Unit: Owsley County CES
Major Program: Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Tasting a new food is not a very popular activity with adults nor children. It seems to be too easy to draw a conclusion about the taste of food based upon its appearance. Therefore people fail to experience what could be their new favorite food.
The Owsley County Expanded Food Nutrition Education Program Assistant participated with the Save the Children Program in a day camp held at the Owsley County Elementary school. During this camp children was able to participate in different activities. The program assistant had the children prepare a Pumpkin Dip recipe. During this exercise the children were taught food safety, measuring skills and how to follow a recipe. After the food preparation the children had to give the recipe a “Hello Bite”. Many were reluctant based upon the color.
Ninety eight percent admitted that they had never tasted pumpkin before. After taking the chance and giving the Pumpkin Dip a “Hello Bite” a total of ninety three percent of the children admitted that it didn’t taste anything like they thought it would and it was a recipe that they would prepare at home.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment