Success Story4-H Camp
4-H Camp
Author: James Cecil
Planning Unit: Clinton County CES
Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming
Outcome: Initial Outcome
4-H Camp is always an important part of some Clinton County's Children's summer planning however this year is an exception to the rule. Clinton County has a rich history in 4-H Camp as a part of our Youth Development. Clinton County took 111 Children and a total of 129 People to 4-H Camp this year at the Lake Cumberland 4-H Camp. We offered a total of 19 Classes for our Campers to participate in this year and many opportunities for campers to be able to do something for the first time.
Campers were able to interact with Camp Staff Members, Adults, Teen Leaders and CIT's from multiple counties. Campers indicated that they enjoyed that they were able to make new friends and try new things that they have never done before. Campers that had been before were excited for the new things that they got to do at camp this year. We had campers that had never canoed before or made salsa and smoothies before. A major part of youth development is learning a balanced diet and how to follow a recipe when making a snack.
The amount of confidence that a camper gets during 4-H Camp when they complete something for the first time or make a new friend cannot be measure on any scale. Clinton County 4-Hers experience life changing events during 4-H Camp that they bring back home to our community that they display for others in the community to see. The difference that is made in our 4-H Campers are proven by the number of campers that attended this year. Clinton County 4-H Camp continues to grow each year and we feel that it is because our campers are learning and enjoying camp that they express those feelings to their friends and they also want to be apart of 4-H Camp.
This year Clinton County broke our record for Campers to attend 4-H Camp by more than double of what our minimum is set by the university for us to take to camp for a county our size. We appreciate the opportunity for Clinton County to be able to attend 4-H Camp at Lake Cumberland and for the opportunity it gives Clinton County Youth to get the positive youth development that they need in their life.
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