Success StoryStrengthen County Fair Impact, Through a Day Camp

Strengthen County Fair Impact, Through a Day Camp

Author: Terence Clemons

Planning Unit: Bath County CES

Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum

Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

Through evaluation and observation, starting back in 2014/2015, of County Fair Entries, Bath County FCS and 4-H Program Agents started a Day Camp focused exclusively on increasing County Fair Exhibits.  The problem was entry numbers were sporadic or lacking in areas, where there are strong presence, in this county.  Through interviews and self determination, the lack of entries could be based on lack of promotion, understanding of goals of submitting entries, and youth not being able to conduct or create the class entries, we were asking for. Day Camp Projects focus on Drawing, Wood Working, Sewing, Foods, and Heritage.  Since the conception of the Arts and Crafts Day Camp in 2017, over 60 youth (ranging in ages from 5-13) and 11 (Adult Volunteers) have participated.  Over 130 4-H Exhibits have submitted since 2017.    

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