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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2021 - Jun 30, 2022

Success StoryShooting Sports Inspired Teen to Become a Leader

Shooting Sports Inspired Teen to Become a Leader

Author: Janet Turley

Planning Unit: Warren County CES

Major Program: Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum

Plan of Work: Leadership & Volunteerism

Outcome: Long-Term Outcome

Ryan Brown, Warren County teen, joined the 4-H Shooting Sports Program at 9 years old.  While at shooting sports camp for the first time, a 4-H leader inspired him that he could do anything if he worked hard enough and that he would always have a support system in the 4-H shooting sports program.  Since that first moment of inspiration, Ryan took on various leadership roles within his club- treasurer, reporter, and president of his club. He became a certified teen coach in rifle and archery. Now, he is a 4-H Shooting Sports Teen Ambassador.  This past spring, Ryan taught over 100 participants in the archery discipline at shooting sports camp. He professes that he developed the skill of public speaking over his years in 4-H. Ryan states “I have been able to run meetings and give presentations to our 4-H shooting sports club as well as the public. One of my recent presentations was at the KY Volunteer Forum; I learned how to better address a crowd and how to keep my presentations interesting and enjoyable”. He also states, “My life would be unrecognizable if 4-H shooting sports wasn’t a part of it. The strengths of public speaking, work ethic, and my passion for sharing shooting sports would definitely not be as prevalent in my personality without shooting sports.  I want to show others the great opportunities that lie within the 4-H shooting sports program.” Janet Turley, Warren County 4-H Youth Development Agent is the contact agent for the 4-H Shooting Sports Program and has encouraged Ryan to take on significant leadership roles within his club.

Stories by Janet Turley

Volunteers Learn, Network, and are recognized for Achievement at the Kentucky Volunteer Forum- Volunteer Engagement empowers volunteers to make impacts in their communities

Volunteers Learn, Network, and are recognized for Achievement at the Kentucky Volunteer Forum- Volunteer Engagement empowers volunteers to make impacts in their communities

about 2 years ago by Janet Turley

In the 2019 KY Extension Community Assessment Report, the top three issues under community vitality ... Read More

Trail Riding Clinic Focuses on Safety

Trail Riding Clinic Focuses on Safety

about 3 years ago by Janet Turley

Kentucky 4-H launched the 4-H Trail Riding Program in 2020 as a way to measure the number of hours a... Read More

Stories by Warren County CES

No-Cook Homeade Playdoh Kits for Tornado-Affected Children

No-Cook Homeade Playdoh Kits for Tornado-Affected Children

about 2 years ago by Kristi Shive

On December 11th, 2021 deathly tornados hit Warren County, Kentucky. The community was heavily impac... Read More

Let's Walk Warren County

Let's Walk Warren County

about 2 years ago by Kristi Shive

The Warren County Community Assessment Report listed, “Fewer chronic diseases (diabetes, heart disea... Read More