Success StoryAiding nurseries in producing improved pawpaw cultivars for increased profits
Aiding nurseries in producing improved pawpaw cultivars for increased profits
Author: Sheri Crabtree
Planning Unit: KSU Administration
Major Program: Commercial Horticulture
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Over 50 pawpaw cultivars are currently commercially available, however, the great majority of these were produced through wild selection and have inferior fruit. KSU has released three improved pawpaw cultivars (KSU-Atwood, KSU-Benson, and KSU-Chappell) that were developed through selective breeding and rigorous variety trials. After working with three commercial nurseries in Kentucky and determining their needs, we have assisted these nurseries in propagating KSU cultivars, which are now available for sale at their nurseries. Improved cultivars sell for an average of $10 per tree more than seedlings, leading to a greater profit for these nurseries. This year, Kentucky nurseries sold between 20-50 trees of KSU improved cultivars, but this will increase in coming years as their nursery stock matures. We will continue to assist these nurseries with propagation material and information on methods of propagation.
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