Success StoryCattle Handling for Small Producers
Cattle Handling for Small Producers
Author: Danny Adams
Planning Unit: Wayne County CES
Major Program: KSU Small Farm Program
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Wayne County has several Small Beef Cattle Producers in the county. One of these producers and his wife have a herd size of four cows and four calves along with a bull. The small cattle producers are limited on the cattle working facility's on their farms. KSU Small Farm Assistant has KSU shared-use cattle handling equipment that can be used on these farms at no cost. This producer and his wife requested the use of the equipment in their cattle herd because seven of the nine head is taking a virus called pinkeye and is needing treatment.
This farmer has a disability and his wife is not able to lift heavy things, so the KSU Small Farm Assistant and the UK AG Assistant took the Equipment and set it up for them to get the Vet Tech and Extension Staff to come and treat their cattle for pinkeye in a safe and humane way for the cattle and family.
This has allowed the small family farm to stay in the cattle business and to keep themselves and the cattle safe from harm.The KSU shared-use cattle handling equipment is keeping small producers on their farms and with the help of the Extension Service trying to keep their farms profitable and the animals healthy.
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