PersonKentucky Extension Reporting System


Deborah Shepherd

Program Areas

  • Family and Consumer Science

Success Stories

  • 04


    Leadership In Wayne County FCS

    Strong leadership skills are important for a vital Extension Homemaker and Family & Consumer Sciences Extension program. These learned leadership skills also benefit other community organizations in w...

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  • 04


    In Stitches

    Sewing SkillsSewing skills are a vital part of life skills that can bring participants a lifetime of value. Wayne County Extension Family and Consumer Sciences program offers a wide range of hands-on ...

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  • 25


    Wayne County READS

    Illiteracy and the lack of books in the home is a concern in Wayne County. The local Public Library was destroyed by massive flooding and was closed for several months greatly limiting the communities...

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  • 25


    Basics of Cast Iron Cooking

    The Back to the Basics: Cooking with Cast Iron program, led by the Lake Cumberland Area Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) Agents, was a big success. Cast iron cookware is often passed down through ge...

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