Success Story4-H Cooking Club
4-H Cooking Club
Author: Cecelia Hostilo
Planning Unit: Trigg County CES
Major Program: Family and Consumer Sciences 4-H Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: A Healthier Trigg County
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The obesity epidemic threatens the quality and years of life of Kentuckians and Trigg Countians. Obese individuals are at increased risk for many chronic health conditions, including type-2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke and some types of cancers. The Healthcare Profile for winter 2014 indicates that 33.8% of adults are obese and 35.3% are physically inactive. 11.8% of adults in the county have diabetes. 28.7% (23.2-33.45) of Trigg Countians report having been diagnosed with high blood pressure. We know that if the behaviors that bring about these chronic diseases are present in adults they are likely to be passed on to the children, thus perpetuating the cycle. Through 4-H cooking we are reversing the trend by instilling healthy habits in youth that will continue for a lifetime. These lifestyle changes will impact the next generation as these youth marry and have children.
The 4-H Cooking Club was led by the Trigg County Family and Consumer Sciences Agent and the NEP Assistant. The 23 members met for a series of 10 club meetings using the Teen Cuisine curriculum along with SNAP-Ed and Plate it Up! Kentucky Proud recipes. The goal of the club was to help youth become self-sufficient in the kitchen, while learning healthy habits that will last a lifetime and influence the people around them. As youth learn to cook and eat better, they will influence their family’s eating habits by choosing and preparing healthy foods and snacks. The objectives are that members will be able to choose nutrients dense foods and snacks; understand MyPlate and incorporate it into meal planning; read and follow a recipe using correct cooking and measuring techniques; and use safe food handling practices.
100% of the members indicated they tried new foods, with only 18% saying they still didn’t like it. Many indicated trying new foods in other settings.
64% indicated they learned the skill of using a knife safely and other kitchen safety techniques. Other skills learned included reading and following a recipe, proper measuring and how to share their working space.
100% of the members indicated they incorporated healthy habits in their lives. 50% indicated increased consumption of fruits and vegetables. Increased knowledge of the importance of healthy eating and the importance of nutrition will lead to a healthier lifestyle and overall better health.
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