Success StoryHarrison County Farm Field Day

Harrison County Farm Field Day

Author: Jessica Barnes

Planning Unit: Harrison County CES

Major Program: Commercial Horticulture

Plan of Work: Marketing & Profitability

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

With the ever changing outlook of production agriculture, many producers are looking to diversify their farming operations.  Each year the Harrison County Extension Service holds a field day to highlight a producer in the county and to educate others on current trends, methods, and new and interesting enterprises available to producers.

This year the Harrison County Farm Field Day was held at S&L Farms.  S&L Farms is a highly diverse operation that produces 5 acres of vegetables, 13 acres of hay, 6 acres of sweet corn, 600 meat rabbits, and 10 dairy goats.  S&L Farms also has an average of 20 CSA baskets per season that lasts for approximately 12 weeks, from June through August.  In addition to CSA baskets, their produce is marketed at two farmers markets, multiple hospital and factory cafeterias, and at local restaurants. 

The ag and horticulture agents collaborated to hold the event.  Agents utilized resources from the UK Department of Horticulture and the UK Center for Crop Diversification.  Rachel Rudolph, Extension Vegetable Specialist discussed field vegetable production and vegetable production using plasticulture.  Brett Wolff, Extension Associate in the Center for Crop Diversification discussed high tunnels and the valuable role they play in commercial horticulture by extending the growing season which is an asset in the economic aspect of commercial vegetable production.  Co-owner of S&L Farms, Holly Laytart spoke about the rabbit production component of the farm and allowed participants to tour the rabbit barn and operation.

The field day allowed the ninety-three participants that attended to see the diversity of a local operation and open their eyes to different agriculture enterprises.  

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