Success StoryAdulting
Author: Paula McCuiston
Planning Unit: Hickman County CES
Major Program: Family and Consumer Sciences 4-H Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Improve the stability, resiliency and capability of individuals through life skill development.
Outcome: Initial Outcome
After seeing statistics of how poorly college students were prepared for the real world of, "Adulting," the Hickman County 4-H and FCS Programs decided to facilitate a two day workshop based on the Hardin County FCS model to begin to address the issue. The Hickman County ANR Agent also facilitated this program.
Topics like what is credit, how to sew on a button, how to plan a budget, how to cook basic meals, how to change a tire and check fluids, how to do use table manners and more were addressed. Basic soft skills and interview skills were also addressed.
The 2 day program was taught to 47 graduating seniors included a series of 10 sessions, some taught by the Family and Consumer Sciences agent, ANR and 4-H Agent and others taught by community volunteers. This program incorporated volunteers from a local bank, the auto parts store, the local grocery, and a Master Clothing and Homemaker Volunteers.
96% said they flet like that were capable of making a budget
89% of participants say they feel like they could take care of simple home fixes with more confidence
91% of participants felt they were capable of making small clothing repairs.
83 % of participants stated they would make a list when grocery shopping and incorporate nutritious foods.
86% of participants felt more confident maintaining their personal vehicle
98%% of participants increased their knowledge and comfort level of table manners and etiquette
91% of participants increased knowledge of budgeting
100% of participants rated their soft skills knowledge for the work place to be higher after hearing Center Point Business Solutions speaker
89% feel like they can now take care of their insurance needs better after visiting our local Farm Bureau office
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