Success StoryGardening for Everyone
Gardening for Everyone
Author: David Koester
Planning Unit: Campbell County CES
Major Program: Home & Consumer Horticulture
Plan of Work: Environmental awareness and improvements
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
We have had a 25 year history of making gardening possible to everyone regardless of age,health or physical limitation. 2019 saw us add 8 new garden bed designs for special needs individuals. Brighton Centers Youth Build Program received a $1000.00 dollar grant and students built 4 new raised beds while the Toyota Manufacturing Green Initiative constructed an additional 4 beds.
Reasons for our continued involvement in this program are that regular gardening activities increase a sense of wellness and have been found to decrease a persons health complaints. Recent research shows that gardening and green spaces in general provide accelerated recovery for long term care individuals and hospital patients.
A seminar was held this spring for health care workers, teachers and the public. 26 people attended and received plans and care instructions for making raised accessible beds. 7 individuals reported construction beds at their homes or work following the seminar,
We have taken this program to schools in hopes of drastically improving the chance of gardening success Raised beds can mean the difference between success and failure.Several studies show that children will eat more vegetables and try new foods more readily if they grow the food themselves.
As a nation we are living longer. However a large percentage of our population is reaching retirement age at the same time. This group will want to continue gardening and specialized beds and structures will make this possible. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention state that gardening is great exercise and motivates people to stay active longer than other activities. The Boone County Extension Service has 10 planted accessible beds on display with plans available for their duplication.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment