Success StoryThe Glitter Bug
The Glitter Bug
Author: Barbara Campbell
Planning Unit: Fleming County CES
Major Program: Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The Glitter Bug
With the news of so many cases of Hepatitis A in the area, The Fleming County Cooperative Extension Service has been working to make people more aware of germs and the importance of handwashing.
The SNAP-Ed assistant visits monthly with nearly two hundred students in two of the county elementary schools. It was during one of the monthly visits that the assistant used the Glitter Bug to help students understand where germs are hiding and how important it is for them to wash their hands properly.
The teachers have since told the assistant that there are many times when they walk by the bathrooms they will hear the students singing the ABC song while handwashing. The school nurse made a point of thanking the assistant for doing the class she said it was an important lesson for all the kids but went on to say her son that was in one of the classes now tells her before eats, “ It’s important we wash our hands before touching our food.”
Submitted by:
Barbara Campbell
Fleming Co. SNAP-Ed assistant
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