Success StoryPreparing for Weather Related Emergencies/ Making a Plan
Preparing for Weather Related Emergencies/ Making a Plan
Author: Linda Brown-Price
Planning Unit: Administration - Cooperative Extension Service
Major Program: Disaster Preparedness
Plan of Work: • Home Safety • Going Green • Healthy Homes
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Kentucky is slowly becoming part of a new "Tornado Alley" in America. A study published in the Nature Partner journal” Climate and Atmospheric Science” shows that in the last 40 years, tornadoes have increased in the Midwest and the Southeast, which has been named “Dixie Alley”. On March 2. 2012 a tornado emergency was issued for the first time in Kenton County. Three major tornadoes were confirmed not happening since 1974. The tornado in Piner ruled an ef-3 then upgraded to an ef-4.where 4 people died, two in a house, two in a car, with 88 homes destroyed.
Many residents were not prepared for this storm and lost valuable property and financial records. The Kentucky State Area Specialist for Family and Consumer Sciences along with Kenton County Family and Consumer Sciences Agent addressed this need for preparation in the class “Are you ready for an Emergency?” taught to 12 residents. The class focused on making a family emergency kit, developing a family disaster plan, understanding warnings and typical disasters, and food safety during a storm.
Participants discussed family communication as a primary component of the family emergency plan, others did not have a family first aid kit and were delighted to receive one for participating in the class. This was a first step in their family plan and emergency kit. Three participants wanted to take the information and share with family members and friends increasing the out -reach of the class. Discussion was held on how to let all family members know the safety status of each other during an emergency whether text, phone, email or a meeting location. The class stimulated conversation and planning needed to alleviate fear and loss in the event of a disaster.
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