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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

• Home Safety • Going Green • Healthy HomesPlan of Work

Kenton County CES

• Home Safety • Going Green • Healthy Homes
Promoting Healthy Homes & Communities
Agents Involved:
Linda Brown-Price, Joan Bowling, Kathy Byrnes
Disaster Preparedness
Home Energy Management
Promoting Healthy Homes and Communities (general)

Each decision individuals make has an impact on health and safety in the family, community and environment. Each year, on average, Kentuckians deal with 30-50 days associated with thunderstorms, 12 tornadoes and 3 fatalities related to tornadoes. Preparing for emergency situations can be crucial to survival and safety. Understanding how daily choices can impact our environment is vital to conserving and preserving our natural resources and ensuring a healthy environment for present and future generations. In 2008, Kentucky ranked 18th in total energy consumption and 7th in energy consumption per capita. In 2010, the statewide household participation rate for all curbside garbage collection types was 86.6%. In 2010, Kentuckians recycled 35.7% of all municipal solid waste and 29% of common household recyclables. The average Kentuckian used 67 gallons of water per person per day.

Long-Term Outcomes:

Create safe homes within environments that promote and support the physical and mental well-being of families throughout the life cycle.

Improve the natural environment to increase active and healthy lifestyles.

Consumers will understand new technological advances being made and utilize products that are cost effective and energy efficient.

Intermediate Outcomes:

Implement one or more practices that will improve:

• Disaster preparedness

•Going green

•Home safety

Assess the cost savings and/or benefits associated with newly adopted practices related to:

•Disaster preparedness

•Going green

•Home safety

Initial Outcomes:

•Create safe homes within environments that promote and support the

physical and mental well-being of families throughout the life cycle:

•Going green

•Home safety

•Disaster preparedness

Identify one or more practices that will improve:

•Disaster preparedness

•Going green

•Home safety


Initial Outcome: Improved knowledge regarding energy conservation (such as the importance of energy conservation; energy saving practices, e.g., with natural lighting, home décor, landscaping; benefits of home energy efficiency; multiple costs of energy consuming products)

Indicator: Number of individuals reporting increased use of energy conservation practices.

Method: Surveys, Phone calls, Success stories

Timeline: 3 to 6 months after class then a year follow-up

Intermediate Outcome: Increase use of energy efficient and cost effective products.

Indicator: Follow-up Survey

Method: Surveys, informal feedback, phone calls, success stories

Timeline: 3-6 months after class

Long-term Outcome: Energy efficient practices put to use result in financial savings.

Indicator: Mail out survey

Method: Survey responses

Timeline: 12 months following program

Initial Outcome: Change in knowledge, opinions, skills and attitudes to improve disaster preparedness.

Indicator: Increased knowledge of disaster preparedness.

Method: Informal observation, feedback, pre and post-tests

Timeline 3-6 months after class

Intermediate Outcome: Individuals will implement one or more practices that will improve disaster preparedness.

Method: Feedback, post evaluations, testimonies

Indicator: Develop and implement a family disaster plan

Timeline: 12-18 months after class

Long-term Outcome: Individuals will create homes that are prepared for disaster that will help alleviate fear and loss and promote mental well-being in the event of a disaster.

Method: Success stories, observation, surveys

Indicator: Become involved in local disaster preparedness program

Timeline: 18-24 months after class

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: College students, general public, young adults, churches, KEHA members

Project or Activity: Class on Preparing for a Disaster

Content or Curriculum: KY CES Resources KEHA Accessibility and Preparedness Lesson Plan

Inputs: Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service Agents and Specialists, Program Assistants, Kentucky and CES Publications and Resources, and Community Partners

Date: February-March 2019

Audience: Homemakers, county residents

Project or Activity: Reducing Mold and Mildew in the Home

Content or Curriculum: UK factsheets

Inputs: Extension Agents

Date: Spring 2019

Audience: Homemakers, county residents

Project or Activity: Home Cleaners

Content or Curriculum: KY CES and Extension Resources

Inputs : KY CES State Specialists, FCS Agents

Date: February-March  2019

Audience: Extension Homemakers

Project or Activity: Area Homemaker Seminar, "Knowing Your Treasures"

Content or Curriculum: UK Factsheets

Inputs: KY. FCS agents, local experts

Date: September 11, 2018

Audience: Extension Homemakers

Project or Activity: Area Homemaker Seminar, "Healthy Horticulture" - for Home

Content or Curriculum: UK Factsheets

Inputs: Kenton, Boone, Campbell Horticulture and FCS agents

Date: January 12, 2019

Success Stories

Preparing for Weather Related Emergencies/ Making a Plan

Author: Linda Brown-Price

Major Program: Disaster Preparedness

Kentucky is slowly becoming part of a new "Tornado Alley" in America.  A study published in the Nature Partner journal” Climate and Atmospheric Science” shows that in the last 40 years, tornadoes have increased in the Midwest and the Southeast, which has been named “Dixie Alley”. On March 2. 2012 a tornado emergency was issued for the first time in Kenton County. Three major tornadoes were confirmed not happening since 1974. Th

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Healthy Horticulture – For Every Body

Author: Kathy Byrnes

Major Program: Promoting Healthy Homes and Communities (general)

According to Michigan State University Extension, gardening-considered a moderate intensity level activity - can reduce the risk for obesity and many chronic diseases.  They also report on the effectiveness of gardening as a scientifically noted stress reliever. The Kenton County Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent collaborated with the Northern Kentucky Extension Homemakers Housing and Environment chairs, plus the horticulture staff in Kenton, Boone and Campbell counties to o

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