Success StoryNorthern Kentucky Specialty Crops Conference Helps Producers Specialize with Diverse Crops to Target New Market Potential

Northern Kentucky Specialty Crops Conference Helps Producers Specialize with Diverse Crops to Target New Market Potential

Author: Michelle Simon

Planning Unit: Campbell County CES

Major Program: Farm Management

Plan of Work: Improving Economics & Sustainability of Agriculture & Farm Management

Outcome: Initial Outcome

The current trend for agriculture in Kentucky and the U.S. is “get big, or get out”. Our dairy farmers have continued to take hits from this trend and the number of dairy farms in Kentucky is at an all-time low. Other commodity areas are quickly following suit including the poultry and hog industries. In response to this trend, Boone County Extension worked to provide another option for producers that don’t have the option to “get big”… instead, “specialize”! ANR Agent Michelle Simon partnered with the Boone County Horticulture department to host the Northern Kentucky Specialty Crops Conference for producers to learn from UK Extension specialists and industry professionals about a wide variety of crops that have a potential to be grown in Northern Kentucky and potentially attract a more diverse market and audience therefore utilizing diversity rather than quantity to achieve profit potential. The crops included industrial hemp, poultry, pumpkins, cut-flowers, high tunnels, raspberries and blackberries, mushrooms, CSA’s (Community Supported Agriculture), entomology, asparagus, and low cost, simple equipment designed for smaller growing systems. All of the conference participants were surveyed and 100% showed an increase in knowledge gained from each session with 91% stating they plan to incorporate management strategies learned from the conference and 95% stating they plan to continue utilizing the Boone County Cooperative Extension Service as a result of the Northern Kentucky Specialty Crops Conference.

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