Success Story4-H Camping
4-H Camping
Author: Owen Prim
Planning Unit: Campbell County CES
Major Program: Summer Residential Camps
Plan of Work: 4-H Resident Camp
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
4-H Camping continues to be a popular summer experience for Campbell County youth. In 2018 Campbell County 4-H set a new state record by having 420 campers and counselors attend our week of camp at North Central 4-H Camp, July 23-27. 4-H Camping provides youth the opportunity to develop life skills such as responsibility and independence by being away from home and keeping up with their own money and belongings during the week. They also gain skills by picking up after themselves and by cleaning the cabins, grounds and dining hall and when working as a team in accomplishing tasks. Campers also have the opportunity to master new skills by choosing from over 20 different class topics such as nature, fishing, crafts, recreation, high and low ropes and shooting sports. Teens and adults develop and exercise leadership and communication skills by serving as counselors. Training and orientation meetings were held for campers, parents and counselors to better prepare them for the weeks experiences. The community supported 4-H Camp by donating over $15,000 for camp transportation and scholarships to help needy youth and teen counselors attend camp. As a result, 325 of the campers reported that they made new friends and tried something new at camp. Both teen and adult volunteer counselors served as role models and mentors for the younger youth and most reported that that would plan to return in 2019. This agents role in 4-H camp included recruiting, orientating and training campers and counselors, securing financial donations, serving as dean of men, teaching classes and serving as the dining hall supervisor and cabin leader.
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