Success StoryFCS Dine-In Day
FCS Dine-In Day
Author: Deborah Messenger
Planning Unit: Cumberland County CES
Major Program: Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)
Plan of Work: Nurturing Families
Outcome: Initial Outcome
FCS Dine-In Day is held each year on December 3rd to encourage families to prepare and eat healthy meals together. The Cumberland County Family and Consumer Sciences Agent collaborated with the Cumberland County High School FCCLA teacher to promote family mealtime and bring awareness to the benefits of eating family meals together. In the high school classes, students were given recipes to prepare to take home to share with their families and encouraged to share pictures on social media of their family mealtime. FCCLA Club members decorated lunchroom tables to encourage students to interact during lunchtime and to bring awareness to the benefits of sharing family meals. Also, the community was engaged by participating in a family "Chopped" challenge. They were also given research-based information on general food preparation and tips for using herbs in meals. Twenty-five families picked up bags of secret ingredients of food items (tomato juice, mushrooms, basil, bread crumbs and ) and were encouraged to create a healthy recipe. The next task was to post a picture of their family meal on the Cumberland County FCS Facebook page with #FCSdineinday. Nineteen families posted their family meal/plate on the facebook page.
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