Success StoryCounty Wide Elementary Fitness Fairs
County Wide Elementary Fitness Fairs
Author: Raymond Cox
Planning Unit: Harlan County CES
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Promote Safety, Health, Wellness and Good Nutrition
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
A sedentary lifestyle for many elementary students in Harlan County has resulted in many cases of childhood obesity and diabetes. As part of the Fitness Fair Program, Harlan County 4-H, in cooperation with Harlan ARH Hospital and Harlan County and Independent Resource Centers, sponsored Fitness Fairs in every school during October and November. Approximately 1,200 students in 3rd, 4th and 5th grades participate in an assessment of body weight, body height ,and body mass index (BMI). Students participate in a battery of exercises including flexibility, strength and endurance, sit-ups, chin-ups, flexibility stretch, and a one mile run or walk. The 4-H agent discusses healthy eating, portion control, importance of water, and amount of fats in foods. Fitness Fairs are now being conducted on those students currently in 8th grade who were assessed in grade four. Participants were surveyed following the classes and 75% committed to reduce fat, sodium, or sugar in their diet and become more active. Due to interest of participants, Fitness Fairs will continue each fall in third, fourth, fifth, and some eighth grade classes
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