Success StoryRetaining Middle School Aged Youth in 4-H: Stuck in the Middle at 4-H Camp
Retaining Middle School Aged Youth in 4-H: Stuck in the Middle at 4-H Camp
Author: Mackenzie Pogue
Planning Unit: Muhlenberg County CES
Major Program: Specialty Camps (overnight camps that take place outdoors)
Plan of Work: Providing Positive Youth Development Experience
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Many instances have brought to light the common issue of 4-H losing touch with youth during their middle school transitional years. 4-Hers are commonly active, or peak 4-Hers during their 4th-6th grade years where their involvement includes classroom clubs. As students enter middle school, their 4-H involvement lessens as many additional extracurricular activities are introduced, and monthly 4-H clubs are no longer in the classroom. This such issue was identified as a problem in district 7 and agents: Kelsey Chadwick, and Mackenzie Pogue planned to increase middle school 4-H involvement by implementing Stuck in the Middle at 4-H Camp. This leadership retreat focuses on the 7 core areas of KY 4-H: Agriculture, Family and Consumer Sciences, Health, and Expressive Arts, Leadership, Natural Resources, and Science, Engineering and Technology, with the addition of 4-H Achievement. In addition to these areas, 4-Hers learn leadership through teambuilding activities, and build caring relationships with the youth and adults attending the retreat. Stretched from across district 7, district 6 and district 5 69 middle school 4-Hers ranging in grade 6-8th attended this middle school retreat held at West KY 4-H Camp. After participating in Stuck in the Middle, 4-Hers noted they will: be a better leader, join a club, come back next year, come to summer camp, do more 4-H, apply for achievement/clover levels, tell people about it, and meet new people. After attending Stuck in the Middle, only 29% said they had applied for the Achievement program Clover Levels in the past, 90% said they would or might apply for the Clover Levels. 90% of participants reported making a new friend. 78% had attended 4-H camp before, and 96% said they would or might attend 4-H Camp this year. Partnerships for Stuck in the Middle include, Mary Beth Riley, FCS Agent in Muhlenberg County, and Adam Barnes, ANR Agent in Livingston County. 4-H Teen Leaders attended as class instructors, mentors, and cabin leaders. Stuck in the Middle has become an annual fall leadership retreated focused specifically for middle school aged students. Total youth and adult attendance for the past three years are as follows: 2016- 87, 2017- 97, 2018- 92.
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