Success StoryHealthy Choices for EveryBody
Healthy Choices for EveryBody
Author: Rohdene Rollins
Planning Unit: Henderson County CES
Major Program: Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Henderson County
Rohdene Rollins, SNAP-Ed Assistant (Supplement Nutrition Assistance Program) taught 70 limited resource families how to serve more nutritious meals, to keep foods safe, and to utilize local food resources effectively. 91 % of SNAP-Ed families made an improvement in the nutritional quality of their diet.
66.70 % of SNAP-Ed graduate families consumed a diet of higher quality because they planned meals using My Plate, considered healthy choices, and used the "Nutrition Facts" label.
66 % of families increased the frequency of moderate physical activity for 30 minutes per day. 26% of families began feeding their children breakfast. 59 % of families demonstrated an improvement in safe food handling practices and hand washing behavior.
47.5 % of families learned to plan meals ahead of time and use a grocery list to guide food selections. 51% improvement was shown in food price comparison behavior.
5% of families were able to use community food resources, such as food pantries, less often due to increased skill at food resource management.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment