Success StoryThe Positive Influence of Teens
The Positive Influence of Teens
Author: Kindra Jones
Planning Unit: Grayson County CES
Major Program: Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Enhance Youth Life Skills in Leadership and Personal Development
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Positive youth development refers to intentional efforts ofother youth, adults, communities, government agencies and schools to provideopportunities for youth to enhance their interests, skills, and abilities. The PositiveYouth Development (PYD) model is the framework that Kentucky 4-H is strivingfor across the state. In Grayson County, the agent works to include this framework into all programs, and when a youth steps forward and shows they area production of this model, that is a successful, proud moment.
One particular youth in Grayson County began her journey as a shy, quiet member and, although participating in almost all activities and programs, never quite came out of her shell until she had the opportunity to participate in the multi-county program Teen Leadership Academy. Through that program, she blossomed into a State Champion in Demonstrations, teen leader at 4-H Camp, teen conference delegate, and most recently the Chair of the Kentucky 4-HScience, Engineering, and Technology Board. She helps to lead this group in new directions and has the ability to speak to youth, adults, and university personnel about the board and what they are doing and achieving.
This summer, she asked the 4-H agent if she could teach a class at 4-H Camp. She planned all activities, and led 4 groups per day through SET design challenges during the week that Grayson County was camping. After returning back to the county, she inquired about leading a day camp for youth in the county with the activities planned and taught at camp, to reach more youth about SET design concepts. She worked with the agent to plan and implement the day camp that had 25 youth (max that was set for accommodations),with numerous on the waiting list, so a repeat day camp was planned a week later so all could participate! Fifty total youth in two weeks participated in the teen led SET Design Challenge Day Camp all receiving 6 hours of education in science, engineering, and technology.
From teaching at 4-H Camp and leading the day camps, she has started, and leads, a SET club, called 4-H SET Squad. This group is modeled slightly after the state SET board, where the youth that are participating in this group are building on the skills they are learning from the teen leader and will ultimately plan and lead a day camp in the summer of 2019. There are12 youth participating in SET Squad. A small group of them visited the Grayson County Chamber of Commerce luncheon in October to show the business leaders in the community that a group of teen led youth are productively and proactivelyproviding leadership in the county.
This young leader is already reaching great heights in the county, leading programs and seeking opportunities to assist the 4-H Agent as well as the FCS and ANR Agents. She proactively looks for opportunities that will help her advance in the 4-H Achievement Program and has aspiration to run for a 4-H State Officer position before she ages out of the program as a youth member.
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