Enhance Youth Life Skills in Leadership and Personal DevelopmentPlan of Work
Grayson County CES
Enhance Youth Life Skills in Leadership and Personal Development
Growing Grayson County through Rural, Youth, and Community Development
Agents Involved:
Ewing Jones, K.
Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum
4-H Youth Development Programming
Health 4-H Core Curriculum
A large percentage of Grayson County youth lack the life skills necessary to function effectively in modern society. County school teachers report that students lack problem solving and decision making skills. Parents are often unable to help students, since they also lack these same skills.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Grayson County youth will become responsible, self-sufficient citizens that take an active role in county life. This will include an increase in job readiness skills, aspiration to attain higher levels of education and an increase in use of critical thinking and problem solving skills.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Youth must be able to set personal and career goals and have the self discipline to attain those goals. All individuals will increase personal stability and increase their self confidence for obtaining their goals set for the future.
Initial Outcomes:
Youth will increase their knowledge of the connection between education and future stability. Individuals will increase their knowledge of effective life skills and have the ability to implement and modify those skills to serve them throughout their lives.
Initial Outcome: Youth accepting leadership roles in their 4-H club(s) at the county level and beyond. Youth will also participate in activities and projects that increase their leadership skills.
Indicator: Youth will accept leadership roles within 4-H and other groups.
Method: youth will be served on skills learned after participation in activities and events.
Timeline: Multi-county Teen Leadership Academy; August through May
Intermediate Outcome:
Long-term Outcome:
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: All 4-H youth with special emphasis placed on teen activities such as Teen Conference and multi-county teen events. Teens will also be encouraged to participate as members of county 4-H Council and County Extension Council.
Project or Activity: County, Area, and State Teen Council membership; Teen Conference, activities such as camper participation and camp teen leaders.
Content or Curriculum: Youth leadership from county Teen Club, Teen Conference, Camp leader training.
Inputs: paid staff and 4-H Volunteers will promote 4-H activities that encourage the development of leadership skills. Efforts will be made to find financial resources to help sponsor lower socio-economic youth so that financial need does not prevent them from being able to participate.
Date: Summer- 4-H Camp; Fall/Spring- Teen Leadership Academy; June- Teen Conference; Spring- Teen Summit
Project or Activity:
Content or Curriculum:
Project or Activity:
Content or Curriculum:
Success Stories
The Positive Influence of Teens
Author: Kindra Jones
Major Program: Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum
Positive youth development refers to intentional efforts ofother youth, adults, communities, government agencies and schools to provideopportunities for youth to enhance their interests, skills, and abilities. The PositiveYouth Development (PYD) model is the framework that Kentucky 4-H is strivingfor across the state. In Grayson County, the agent works to include this framework into all programs, and when a youth steps forward and shows they area production of this model, that is a successful, p
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Not Just Another Set of Day Camps
Author: Kindra Jones
Major Program: Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum

Leadership is one of the core areas for the Kentucky 4-H program. Leadership activities help youth: develop confidence in their leadership potential and their own sense of identity; improve their self-esteem; enhance their communication skills in sharing, reflecting and discussion; understand the importance of diversity and improves their ability to relate to others; learn effective decision making methods and experience problem-solving situations; and learn group social skills. The Grayson Coun
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Mini-Day Camps: A New Way to Cloverbud
Author: Kindra Jones
Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming
The purpose of the 4-H Cloverbud program is to help young children learn life skills to become competent, caring and contributing citizens, specifically ages 5 through 8. Cloverbuds help young people: 1) learn more about themselves and the world around them, 2) develop positive attitudes about learning new things by hands-on involvement, 3) develop a relationship with a caring adult or older youth helper, and 4) learn about the 4-H Youth Development program. The primary goal of the Cloverbuds pr
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4-H SET Squad
Author: Kindra Jones
Major Program: Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum

Grayson County 4-H has had a member on the state 4-H Science, Engineering, and Technology Board for two years, and in her second year, came to the 4-H Agent with the idea and desire to have an SET Club in the county. The agent strives to allow and foster the youth to bring new and innovative ideas and bring them to fruition. They discussed in length the ideas the member had, as well as the logistics to make it happen. The teen would be the primary leader and her older sister, now 4-H Alum, as th
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