Success StoryFood Safety
Food Safety
Author: Judy McGuire
Planning Unit: Floyd County CES
Major Program: Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
~~Food safety was a big concern after observing the kitchen at a local rehabilitation center, “Hope in the Mountains” Meat was being thawed on the counter that was to be served for dinner. Plans for an extra Food Safety lesson were made. A group of eight women attended this class. A survey was given at the beginning of the lesson 57% of the class did not allow food to sit out longer the two hours. 14% did not thaw food at room temperature. The “Keeping Food Safe for Everybody” lesson was taught. Subject matter included how bacteria can effect out health, how to purchase safe food, storing food safely, cooking temperatures, cross contamination and proper thawing of frozen food.A reminder on Food Safety was given at each additional class visit. After the completion of the classes a second survey was given at this time 86% were now not letting food sit out longer than two hours and 86% were not thawing food at room temperature.
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