Success Story4-H Camp Empowers Kids to Succeed in 4-H
4-H Camp Empowers Kids to Succeed in 4-H
Author: Lee Ann McCuiston
Planning Unit: Todd County CES
Major Program: Summer Residential Camps
Plan of Work: Empowering Youth to Succeed
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Summer 4-H camp is a magical place where children get the experiences they need to bolster their range of coping strategies. The simple challenges of learning how to shoot a bow, going on a hike, or conquering a high ropes course are among the opportunities presented during this five day adventure. There are the much more complex challenges of getting along with a new group of peers, learning how to ask for help from others, or taking manageable amount of risks without a parent following after you. Psychology Today states that summer camps are the perfect places to help children develop their psychosocial development. The Todd County Extension Service - 4-H program provided this camping experience in 2018 when it took 117 campers to West Kentucky 4-H Camp. Thirty adult & teen volunteers were an integral part of the camping week by demonstrating responsibility and leadership as part of the camp leadership team. Over 20 camp classes such as nature, shooting sports, canoeing, recreation, crafts, horse and challenge course were offered to the campers. A 4-H Camp Facebook page was utilized all week during camp to highlight the activities and show pictures of campers enjoying camp in order to keep parents connected. More than $4500 was given to youth through the 4-H camp scholarship program allowing low income youth the opportunity to attend camp. An end of camp survey and a focus group of campers 3 months after camp revealed that:
* 83% wanted to become more involved in 4-H as result of camp.
* 17% experienced their first nights of staying away from home.
* 21% contributed to solving a program while at camp.
* 74% used a social skill at camp that helped them cope at home or school
* 95% experienced a caring adult while at camp
* 95% helped others while at camp.
In addition to these results, 94% of the campers plan to return to camp the following year and will encourage a friend to attend camp in 2019.
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