Success StoryCommunity Tutoring Initiative
Community Tutoring Initiative
Author: Bobbie Hancock
Planning Unit: Mercer County CES
Major Program: Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The Nutrition Education Program Assistant partnered with the Community Tutoring group that services at risk children that are in 1st and 2nd grade. The NEP Asst met once a week for 9 weeks with this group of children to teach them ways to stay healthy by hand washing, identifying food groups, choosing healthy snacks, getting more physical activity and making better choices. Curriculum used was 1st grade “Exploring My Plate with Professor Popcorn”. Each week the children would wash their hands before receiving a snack and were asked why was it important. The NEP Assistant would teach a lesson on the different food groups from My Plate. The NEP assistant wanted the children to identify foods and know what food group specific foods belonged to. A nutrition snack was provided for the children to try and the children were asked where the food items would go on My Plate. The students became familiar with My Plate and by the end of the program 79% could identify healthy snacks, 100% knew when they needed to wash their hands and 93% improved in diet quality.
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