Success StorySoaring Beyond Expectations

Soaring Beyond Expectations

Author: Detra Coley

Planning Unit: Livingston County CES

Major Program: Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

The 21st Century grants in Livingston provide the means for all at risk children to receive extra instruction at the beginning and end of the school day.  Children may choose to arrive at the schools early or stay later to receive help with their school work.  The afternoon programs also provide enrichment activities after the school work is complete.  The Expanded Food and Nutrition Education assistant in Livingston County hold classes at each school during the enrichment hour. During the nutrition hour, the Livingston County EFNEP Assistant provides the children with hands on programing.   Programing consists of preparing healthy snacks and preparing healthy meals.  Over the past school year, 86% of the children improved their abilities to choose healthy food.  31% improved their physical activities, 60% gained knowledge of safe handling practices and 70% improve their ability to prepare simple nutritious foods. Soaring Beyond Expectations

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