Success StoryTR Center

TR Center

Author: Stacy Trent

Planning Unit: Breathitt County CES

Major Program: Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)

Outcome: Initial Outcome

According to the US Census Bureau 25.6% of Wolfe County residents under the age of 65 have some kind of disability. These disabilities canlimit the residents from doing tasks that any other individual would not have aproblem with. To address this issue the Wolfe County Cooperative ExtensionService, SNAP-Ed Assistant partnered with the TR Center, which is a center thathelps these individuals learn life skills and to become more self-sufficient bygaining cooking and other skills. The Wolfe County Cooperative ExtensionService, SNAP-Ed Assistant used the Healthy Choices for Every Body Curriculumand offered a 7 month program to help the participants learn skills likereading labels, know how to limit salt, sugar and fats, and being safe aroundfood. Participants gained knowledge of these lessons and prepared and sampledrecipes that they could either make at the center together or at home forthemselves. One participant stated, “I never knew that I could learn to use aknife, but I am so glad that I did because I can now cut up and make my ownsalad instead of buying a premade one at the store. And that saves me a lot of money!”

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