Success StoryWeed Management in Pasture and Hay Fields
Weed Management in Pasture and Hay Fields
Author: Danny Adams
Planning Unit: Wayne County CES
Major Program: KSU Small Farm Program
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Weeds in Pasture and Hay Fields are costing Wayne County farmers $25.00 to $50.00 an acre in production efficiency. The weeds needing to be controlled are buttercup, pigweeds and thistles along with others.
The KSU Small Farm Assistant coordinates two pastures sprayers to be used by Wayne County farmers in controlling weeds in their fields. This program has be going on for 18 years using the spray equipment.
Here's how it works, the sprayers were purchase with funds through the local Wayne County Soil Conservation District and Wayne County Farm Bureau Board of Directors. Both sprayers are coordinated for use by the KSU Small Farm Assistant at the Wayne County Extension Office.
Local farmers call and get on a list for use of the Pasture Sprayers. Beginning in the middle of February to the middle of November 70 farmers use the equipment spraying approximately 2500 acres in Wayne County with the sprayers.
The weeds controlled include buttercup,thistles, pig weeds, multi floral rose , stick weeds, iron weed, horse nettle, cocklebur, and ragweed.By farmers spraying their pasture fields, farmers improve the uses of the forages their cattle eat. Estimated gains of $25.00 to $50.00 per acre in pasture efficiency.
The KSU Small Farm Assistant calls each and every farmer on when to pickup the sprayers, and when they can return them so as many farmers can use the sprayers as possible. They cost of the sprayers to use is if you tear it up you fix it. The Wayne County Extension District Board provides funds for maintenance on the sprayers along with the KSU Small Farm Assistant's labor.
The sprayer use is free. Farmers ranging from 3 acres to 500 acres use the sprayers.
The improvement of pasture and hay fields in Wayne County should be helping Wayne County's Cattle Farmers improve forages for their cattle by $62,500.00 to $125,000.00 annually.
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