Success StoryHello Bites

Hello Bites

Author: Vanessa Harris

Planning Unit: Menifee County CES

Major Program: Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)

Outcome: Initial Outcome

Hello Bites


Trying to get children to try different foods is sometimesdifficult to do: however, with a little encouragement from others, it canhappen.  That’s what happened during alesson about MyPlate taught at Clover Bud Camp.  While presenting the lesson, the SNAP-Edassistant talked about always trying new foods because one never knows ifhe/she will like it.  A variety of fruitswas purchased and used for tasting during snack time.  Two children, who didn’t want to try kiwi wereencouraged to take a “hello bite” and if they didn’t like the kiwi, they didn’thave to eat it.  The children were stillapprehensive about tasting the kiwi until other campers encouraged them to takea “hello bite.” Finally, they were convinced to taste the kiwi and they really likedthe kiwi and ask for more!  They alsosaid that they were going to ask their parents if they would buy kiwi for them.