Success StoryCarlisle County Makes Healthy Choices
Carlisle County Makes Healthy Choices
Author: Lisa Dodson
Planning Unit: McCracken County CES
Major Program: Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Food-insecure and SNAP recipients to often face challenging circumstances in trying to consume a healthful diet and maintain a healthful weight such as more sedentary lifestyles, increased portion sizes, and the ability to purchase fruits and vegetables. Those who are food-insecure or low-income may face unique challenges in adopting and maintaining healthful behavior changes.
The Carlisle County Nutrition Educational Program paraprofessional taught twenty-five limited resource families how to serve more nutritious meals, to keep foods safe, and to utilize local food resources effectively. 100% of NEP families made an improvement in the nutritional quality of their diet.
72% of NEP graduated families consumed a diet of higher quality because they planned meals using My Plate, considered healthy choices, and used the "Nutrition Facts" label. 82% of families increased the number of days for physical activity, strength training and making changes in their daily routine. 59% increased their food security by having enough to eat or the ability to obtain food, 79% of families also demonstrated an improvement in safe food handling practices and hand washing behavior. 84% of families learned to plan meals ahead of time, check the food on hand, and use a grocery list to guide their purchases. 60% improvement was shown in food price comparison behavior. 84% increase of fruits and vegetables consumed on a daily basis
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment