Success StoryAdding Fruit to our Diets
Adding Fruit to our Diets
Author: Judy McGuire
Planning Unit: Floyd County CES
Major Program: Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Adding Fruit to Our Diet.
Based on the information gathered from the entry food recall given to clients at the beginning of nutrition classes, only 27% meet the recommended daily amount of fruit consumption each day.
After teaching several classes on MyPlate and the importance of eating from all five food groups, the Floyd County Cooperative Extension Service EFNEP (Expanded Food Nutrition Education Program) and Hope in the Mountains, a local rehabilitation center for women, decided to concentrate on the importance of fruit and daily consumption.
After hearing comments like, “Fruit are too expensive and what do I serve it with”? Lessons were taught on the importance of fruit. Recipes were given to clients and food demonstrations using different fruits were made. Meal plans were made incorporating fruit into their daily menus, and lessons on how to purchase fruit that meets their budget.
Final recalls were given at the end of the program.Results show that now 77% of the clients were now adding more fruit to their diets. This was a 90% overall improvement in fruit consumption.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment