Success StoryNutrition and Substance Abuse
Nutrition and Substance Abuse
Author: Anita Boyd
Planning Unit: Mason County CES
Major Program: Mastering Food Choices
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
The Journal of the American Dietetic Association conducted a study of the correlation between substance abuse and nutrition. Findings support the position that nutrition education is an essential component of substance abuse treatment programs and can enhance substance abuse treatment outcomes. The journal also stated that the inclusion of nutrition education into substance abuse treatment programs should be promoted and encouraged.
The Mason County Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) assistant collaborated with the local Comprehend, Inc. Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) instructor to offer a class to the participants in IOP. The EFNEP assistant taught lessons from the Healthy Choices for Every Body curriculum. Participants observed cooking demos, tasted healthy recipes, and learned about MyPlate, overall nutrition, food safety and the importance of being physically active. The IOP participants improved their vegetable intake by seventy-five percent (75%); dairy by fifty percent (50%); and reduced solid fats and added sugars by fifty percent (50%)- just by significantly cutting back on pop and candy intake.
One participant stated that she didn’t think she would like the recipes, but she did. She now uses the recipes to feed her family.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment