Success StoryJRA Group

JRA Group

Author: Danielle Fairchild

Planning Unit: Lawrence County CES

Major Program: Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)

Outcome: Long-Term Outcome

The Job Readiness Activities (JRA) group is a newpartnership as a result of visiting with the Lawrence County DCBS Office staffand attending a local Interagency Council meeting. Six adults enrolled andgraduated from the SNAP-Ed program.

The Food and Physical Activity Exit Questionnaire showedthat 50% of participants improved in diet quality and ate more fruit andred/orange vegetables more often throughout the week. In addition, 67% ate darkgreen vegetables more often. 

Participants also reported 100% improvement with using ameat thermometer and the proper method for checking meats and casseroles. Additional food safety improvements revealed 100% of the participants quitthawing frozen food at room temperature. 

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