Author: Karen Grant
Planning Unit: Madison County CES
Major Program: Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
The Berea Public Library invited the Madison County Cooperative Extension Service EFNEP assistant to teach nutrition lessons and provide activities as part of their afterschool programming. Participants learned the importance of healthier choices by making their own snacks, they learned about whole grains by making whole wheat bread and lean proteins by preparing omelets.
With the aroma of delicious omelets being prepared an aging bachelor with limited cooking skills followed his nose and appeared wanting to make one. As a result of activities more kids and seniors are making better and less expensive food choices. Months later the assistant was approached by the bachelor whom reported using his new skills as a way to use leftovers.
The Madison Middle School Resource Center director contacted the Madison County Cooperative Extensio... Read More
This year Madison County 4-H was blessed to be able to camp at full capacity. After not camping in 2... Read More
This year at Madison County 4-H Camp the camp theme was the old west, and man did we have a rootin t... Read More