Success Story #Adulting Program: Real World Life Skills for Launching Adults in Hickman County
#Adulting Program: Real World Life Skills for Launching Adults in Hickman County
Author: Melissa Goodman
Planning Unit: Hickman County CES
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
Plan of Work: Improve the stability, resiliency and capability of individuals through life skill development.
Outcome: Initial Outcome
After seeing statistics of how poorly college students were prepared for the real world of, "#Adulting," the Hickman County Family and Consumer Sciences Program decided to facilitate a two day workshop based on the Hardin County FCS model to begin to address the issue. Topics like what is credit, how to sew on a button, how to plan a budget, how to cook basic meals, how to change a tire and check fluids, how to do use table manners and more were addressed.
The 2 day program was taught to 46 graduating seniors included a series of 10 sessions, some taught by the Family and Consumer Sciences agent, ANR and 4-H Agent and others taught by community volunteers. This program incorporated volunteers from a local bank, the auto parts store, the local grocery, and a Master Clothing and Homemaker Volunteers.
91% of participants felt they were capable of making small clothing repairs.
83 % of participants stated they would make a list when grocery shopping and incorporate nutritious foods.
86% of participants felt more confident maintaining their personal vehicle
83% of participants increased their knowledge and comfort level of table manners and etiquette
92% of participants increased knowledge of budgeting
72% of participants felt increased confidence to present their best self in an interview
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