Success Story4-H Achievement Record Keeping Workshop 2017
4-H Achievement Record Keeping Workshop 2017
Author: Anna Meador
Planning Unit: Allen County CES
Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming
Plan of Work: Development of Youth Lifeskills
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
While record-keeping is often a life skill over-looked in today’s world, Kentucky and Allen County 4-H see the importance of record keeping as we build the future leaders and business owners of tomorrow. In order to help teach these skills, Allen County 4-H hosted its first 4-H Achievement Record-Keeping Workshop during August of 2017. During this workshop youth and parents learned techniques for record keeping, tips for keeping information organized, and how to complete the 4-H Achievement Program Record Form.
Although many of our 4-H participants had heard of the program, many of our participants indicated they were not confident in their record keeping skills nor completing the complex Record form. A total of 16 individuals were in attendance of the workshop. At the conclusion of the workshop,100% of participants and parents indicated that their understanding of the Kentucky 4-H Achievement Program was significantly increased after completion of the workshop. 4-H parent, Julie Croft commented, “This is the most information I have gained in the past three years of completing this complex application. I feel as if I actually comprehend the application and can better help my girls to complete it this year and in the future. Thanks for offering this workshop.” Allen County 4-H saw an increase in the number of applicants to the 4-H Achievement Record-Keeping contest, with a total of 19 participants. Kentucky 4-H has integrated record keeping with the 4-H Achievement Program for many years, stressing the importance of records as well as recognition of our 4-Her’s accomplishments.
As a result of our 4-Her’s record-keeping and 4-H participation, the following youth received high recognition for their record-keeping: Kierra Owens, Tori Langman, Madison Woods, Daphnica Wood, Sarah Newton, Tristan Skipworth, Makayla Hunter, and CJ Zapata. Not only do these youth receive recognition for their record-keeping, but they also receive scholarship money for extended leadership opportunities at State Teen Conference each June.
One of the greatest honors in Kentucky 4-H is receiving the Gold 4-H Achievement Award. While accumulated 4-H participation is a monumental factor in the receiving the award, accurate record-keeping of one’s continuous years in 4-H is also necessary. Senior 4-H’er, CJ Zapata received the initial opportunity to apply for his Gold Achievement Award. Through several individualized learning sessions, CJ Zapata received additional instruction on detailed record keeping, interview skills, and resume writing. After combing these important life-skills, refining his 4-H resume, and practicing interview questions, Mr. Zapata was selected in the top 30 4-Her’s to receive this 4-H Gold Achievement recognition out of over 140 applicants that applied for this award.
Through the 4-H Achievement Record Keeping Program and Workshop, 19 youth practiced record-keeping skills, 8 youth received high recognition for their 4-H record-keeping, 5 youth received scholarship monies to enhance their leadership skills, and 1 youth gained the opportunity to combine his record-keeping and job interview skills to receive the top recognition of the 4-H Gold Achievement Award. Allen County 4-H see’s the importance of record keeping and teaching this necessary life-skill to our 4-H youth participants through the 4-H Achievement Record-Keeping Program and Record Keeping Workshops.
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