Development of Youth LifeskillsPlan of Work
Allen County CES
Development of Youth Lifeskills
Building Human Capital
Agents Involved:
Steve Osborne, Janet Johnson
Family and Consumer Sciences 4-H Core Curriculum
Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Agriculture 4-H Core Curriculum
According to Kentucky after 3 p.m. report, 28%of Kentucky K-12 youth take care of themselves after school hours, spending an average of 7 hours per week unsuperivsed after school. Only 12% of this same population participate in afterschool programs, parents believe their children would benefit most from afterschool programs in the following ways: by having fun, improving their workforce skills, improving their physical activity and overall health, taking advantage of opportunities for community service/learning and receiving academic enrichment. Through the Allen County Extension Council and 4-H Council, the following issues were Identified to address youth in Allen County: provide a safe educational environment for youth to attend afterschool programs, since the community is limited with social activities for youth, 4-H can provide an avenue for youth educational as well as social interaction for youth, and youth can participate in activities through 4-H clubs and through the school enrichment programs.
Long-Term Outcomes:
*Youth will advance their skills to serve as teen/adult leaders and teach others skills they have learned through 4-H
*County 4-H program strengthened through quality projects completed by 4-H members
Intermediate Outcomes:
*Youth will apply information learned in 4-H Program by giving a demonstration
*Youth will enter 4-H projects completed in county and state fair
*School communication youth will compete in county communications program
*Youth become competent in communications and project life skills
Initial Outcomes:
4-H Youth will attend 4-H afterschool workshops
*Youth will give oral presentations through school communicatins program
*Youth will learn basic lifeskills through 4-H project workshops
*4-H community club enrollment will increase
Initial Outcome: Youth learn basic lifeskills at after school workshop
Indicator: Number of youth demonstrating skills
Method: observation, evaluation
Timeline: July-June
Intermediate Outcome: 4-H County Fair Entries
Indicator: Number of 4-H entries in County Fair
Method: Statistics
Timeline: July- June
Long-term Outcome: Current/former 4-H members serve in leadership roles
Indicator: Number of youth that advance in leadership roles
Method: Observation
Timeline: July-June
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: County 4-H Youth
Project or Activity: 4-H Communications program
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Communications curriculum
Inputs: Paid staff, classroom teachers, school administration, 4-H council, volunteers
Date: July- June
Audience: 4-H Youth
Project or Activity: Afterschool 4-H project workshops
Content or Curriculum: 4-H project curriculum, state fair information
Inputs: 4-H council, school transportation coordinator, volunteers, paid staff
Date: July-June
Audience: 4-H youth - grades 4-12
Project or Activity: 4-H Camp
Content or Curriculum: 4-H camp core curriculum, bullying curriculum
Inputs: Volunteers, paid staff, 4-H youth, teen leaders
Date: April - July
Audience: 4-H Youth, volunteers, parents
Project or Activity: 4-H club organization
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Club Leaders Handbook, 4-H club Handbook
Inputs: Paid staff,parents, volunteers
Date: July-June
Audience: 4-H Youth
Project or Activity: Eco-Meet
Content or Curriculum: Project Wet
Inputs: Paid staff, parents, volunteers, community
Date: July-June
Audience: 4-H Youth Parents, Volunteers
Project or Activity: County/area achievement banquet
Content or Curriculum: Volunteer/Youth recognition
Inputs: Paid staff, volunteers, youth, families
Date: Oct,Dec.
Audience: 4-H Youth, Families, volunteers
Project or Activity: 4-H Fun programs- picnic/St. Patrick's Day Party
Content or Curriculum: Recreation Curriculum
Inputs: Paid staff, Volunteers, youth families
Date: Sept/March
Project or Activity:
Content or Curriculum:
Project or Activity:
Content or Curriculum:
Success Stories
Solar Eclipse Camp 2017
Author: Anna Meador
Major Program: Science, Engineering and Technology 4-H Core Curriculum

Solar Eclipse CampDue to the rareness of the 2017 solar eclipse, Allen County 4-Her’s gained the opportunity to completely Solar Eclipse Camper, Dustin Hayes, tries his hand at the rock wall during his Low & High Ropes Course Class.immerse themselves in an one of a kind experience integrating both NASA space science learning and adventurous camping at West Kentucky 4-H Camp. Youth attending this special summer camp received the chance to combine our exciting camp classes like High
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Cloverbud Camp 2018
Author: Anna Meador
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
With the primary goal of the Kentucky 4-H Cloverbud program being to promote children’s healthy development – menCloverbud Campers have the opportunity to experience a wide variety of life skills, like fishing here at West KY 4-H Camp during their time at Cloverbud Camp. tally, physically, socially and emotionally, the West KY 4-H Cloverbud Camp and its team of agent coordinators worked hard to provide an excellent opportunity for children ages 5-8 and their families to learn ab
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4-H Achievement Record Keeping Workshop 2017
Author: Anna Meador
Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming
While record-keeping is often a life skill over-looked in today’s world, Kentucky and Allen County 4-H see the importance of record keeping as we build the future leaders and business owners of tomorrow. In order to help teach these skills, Allen County 4-H hosted its first 4-H Achievement Record-Keeping Workshop during August of 2017. During this workshop youth and parents learned techniques for record keeping, tips for keeping information organized, and how to complete the 4-H Achievemen
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Arts & Crafts Day Camp 2018
Author: Anna Meador
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum

Allen County 4-H'er, Daphnica Wood, finishes her owl ornament by detailing feather patterns onto her owl.New this 2018: Allen, Warren, and Logan counties hosted an Arts & Crafts Day Camp to encourage arts education and participation within the arts field. As a result, all 21 spaces provided during this day camp were completely filled by youth desiring to participate in creativity & imagination, critical thinking, and emotional expression through experiential application on art
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